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Benefit Information

Insurance Information
Course Reimbursement Information for DTU members
Course reimbursement information can be found in detail in the Dover Teachers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Below is a summary of the benefit.  
Course reimbursement for DTU members is divided into up to 4 rounds (8/1-9/1, 10/1-11/1, 1/1-2/1, and 4/1-5/1).  There is $70,000 allocated for all DTU members and when the funds are exhausted, the rounds stop.  In past years, there have typically been 2 or 3 rounds with partial reimbursement for the 4th round.  Classes need to be taken starting September 1 and end by August 31 of the following year.  Only 1 class can be requested per round and the class can occur at anytime during the year including the summer.  
Process for requesting approval:  Submit a form for course reimbursement (found under Employee Forms on this website) and ask your supervisor to approve.  After the form has been completed, send to the SAU office for approval by the Superintendent.  This can be done anytime during the round, although the completed forms must be received by the 
SAU no later than the last day of the round.  After all requests are reviewed within a few days after the last day of the round, you will receive written confirmation of your status and the amount for which you have been approved.  Fees and other costs are not reimbursable....only graduate credits are able to be reimbursed.  
Fiducius .  

Trying to understand all the possible ways to better manage your student loans is a daunting task. We are pleased to offer a new Loan Relief benefit from Fiducius. With their financial planning approach, the student loan Advisors at Fiducius help you navigate and determine your best option, including forgiveness, refinancing and consolidation. They may help you lower, or even eliminate, your student loan payment.


Your education colleagues nationwide already working with Fiducius have reduced their monthly payments by an average of 84% and are projected to receive an average of $72,338 in tax-free loan forgiveness.


It’s easy to get started with this new benefit. You can determine your eligibility and potential savings in just a few minutes and then talk with an advisor on the phone at your convenience, by using the following link Dover School District + Fiducius to register