Portrait of a Learner
The Dover Portrait of a Learner is a collective vision and a guiding light that illuminates the path to student success beyond high school. Stakeholders from our district — students, parents, businesses, and community members — all played a vital role in this endeavor. Together, we identified and placed value on the competencies that are essential for our students to thrive in the real world. By aligning our educational goals with these competencies, we empower our students to become well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges of the future. We believe that the Portrait of a Learner journey begins at the earliest stages of education and continues throughout the K-12 curriculum. With a commitment to systemic thinking, we can provide a seamless continuum of growth and development for every student. The Dover Portrait of a Learner infographic is a symbol of this commitment and will help to guide us as we empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to excel in their personal, academic, and professional lives. Together, we can shape the future of education in the Dover School District and create a brighter tomorrow for our learners!