Title III
What is the Purpose of Title III
The purpose of Title III is, “to ensure that all English Learners (ELs) attain English language proficiency and meet the State’s challenging academic standards.”
Title III in Dover Schools
The Dover School District has a fantastic team of EL teachers and paraprofessionals working in our 5 schools who support around 160 EL students. Some of our students are in the United States for the very first time and are learning about our culture and our schools while they are also learning English. Other students have lived here their whole lives and are moving toward English fluency and are getting ready to exit the program.
Most students are somewhere in between. These students and their families are speakers of: Spanish, Lao, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesian, Gujarati, Mandarin, and Nepalese. The Dover School community is greatly enriched by these students!
Where Does Title III Funding Go?
Title III funding can only be used for our EL students, staff, and families but it allows us to do all kinds of great things to enrich and develop English language proficiency and help students meet state standards. We are able to purchase instructional materials, provide professional learning for teachers, and support language-building activities such as field trips for our EL students, and a summer school program.
Additional Resources
If you have questions about Title III or would like to get involved in our (low commitment!) stakeholder group to help determine how these funds are allocated, please contact Kiley Hemphill [email protected]. You may also read more about all the grants on the NHED website.